September 1, Would Be Official Launch Date Of Ton Blockchain

The TON or the Telegram Open Network has officially to release the first code required to run a node on the platform. The code is expected to be released on the 1st of September according to information received from 2 people working closely with the project. One of these two individuals is working closely with the TON labs – a startup in the tech segment. The same date has also been confirmed by an investor with the token sale.

Till date, Telegram has tried to maintain extreme secrecy about this project. The TON labs has rather been quite vocal in terms of divulging information about this project. TON Labs also claims that they are maintaining regular communication with the development team of Telegram!

As of now, only one operational node is being run by the company itself.

Russian Leaks

Russian publication named Vedomosty reported in Wednesday that the release will not only contain the code but would also contain all the commissioning information for the code. Another source of information from a leaked White Paper suggests that the Telegram Open Network will use a BFT approach or Byzantine fault tolerance proof of stake consensus. It supports 292 shardchains (49 followed by 26 zeros)

Through a token sale in the year 2018, the company Telegram raised at least $1.7 billion from its investors in US and Russia. In case the TON is not launched officially by end of October, then Telegram would be forced to refund its investors.

Telegram TON has generated substantial interest with the general investors and telegram users along with the broader crypto currency network. The readers would also be surprised to know that initial launch of TON was expected in the month of December but got delayed.

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