Multi Cloud Platforms Stand A Higher Risk From Security Breaches

The multi cloud platforms stand a higher security risk compared to the ones who are using a single cloud platform. This report has been published by a UK based network security and compliance specialist Nominet. In a survey conducted by the company, 52% of the respondents using a multi cloud platform faced some sort of a network breach. In sharp comparison to the significantly high percentage of data breaches, only 24% of the respondents using hybrid cloud infrastructure suffered a data breach. The same percentage of respondents reported a data breach in the last year from the segment of single server configuration users.

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Multi cloud infrastructure users are also prone to a higher frequency of data breaches compared to the parties using a single or hybrid infrastructures. The concept of keeping eggs in different baskets to safeguard the resources has been replicated by several companies. The concept of multiple servers comes from the idea of keeping a fixed number of eggs in different baskets.

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